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Spring Cleaning Tackle Your Home’s Drawers - Art of Drawers

Spring Cleaning: Tackle Your Home’s Drawers

The junk drawer. Just about everybody has at least one, probably more. Yours might be in your bathroom, and it keeps you from getting ready on time. It could be in your pantry, making it harder than it should be to get to what you need. Wherever yours may be, there’s no better time than the present to finally clear it (or them) out for good and just start over.

Art of Drawers can help. We have a wide range of solutions that will not only get your drawers, but the rest of your home more organized than you ever imagined possible. You’ll be amazed at how much easier life will be. Learn more about us by giving us a call at (770) 800 8410 or contact us online.

We’d like to share some tips that will, hopefully, get you motivated to clear out those junk drawers once and for all.

It’s Time to Face Your Junk Drawer

For most people, organizing their home isn’t exactly their idea of fun. We get it. But if you’re tired of rummaging through your junk drawer just to find a pen that still works, it might be time just to rip off the Band-Aid and clear it out. Follow these suggestions and it won’t be long until your drawers are once again functional parts of your home, rather than disaster areas.

Declutter and Start Fresh!

You might have made a commitment at the start of the year to declutter your entire home. But life got in the way and you haven’t gotten around to it. Think about starting small – go to the worst junk drawer and decide you’re going to make a change.

Timer - Art of Drawers

Think about setting a kitchen timer, or the timer on your smartphone, for five minutes. Empty the entire drawer – the whole thing. Then take that pile and organize it into smaller piles, based on different categories. These could include pens, pencils, highlighters, paperwork, paper clips, loose change, etc. Set aside some other space for your junk pile, or have a trash bag on hand.

Again, you’re on the clock so you’re going to need to do this fairly quickly. Unless there’s something in one of the piles that holds an incredible amount of sentimental value, it will probably be time to say goodbye. Check each pen and highlighter to see if they work. If they don’t, put them in the junk pile or toss them.

If there is anything else in any of the piles that you consider trash, well, trash them as well. Use rubber bands to group the piles of items that you’re going to keep. You’ll probably be surprised how much decluttering you’ll be able to accomplish before that timer goes off.

Reallocate All Items Possible

Office supplies - Art of Drawers

Next, take a close look at everything that’s left over. Do they really belong in that particular drawer, or do you have ample storage space that would be great as a new home?

If you have a couple of pairs of scissors, for instance, the storage room might be a better fit. If you have an excess of rubber bands, they could fit better in your office. Some of those pens could possibly fit in the kitchen, next to those extra pads of sticky notes you didn’t even know you had, whenever you need to jot something down.

Reorganize Existing Items with Organizers

Drawer Organizers - Art of Drawers

You’ll be amazed how much easier it can be to reorganize your junk drawer by using dividers. If you already have these on hand from Art of Drawers, putting everything back in the drawer will go much, much faster.

There’s a reason the junk drawer got out of control in the first place. You didn’t really think about what you put inside. Once you closed it, that item probably left your mind immediately. As time went on, and you threw more and more stuff, it more than likely didn’t take too long before the drawer turned into a mess.

Drawer dividers might just solve that problem for good. It will keep the inside nice and neat, and everything will be in its place. But it will also be important that you commit to the reorganization. Don’t slip up at a later date and toss something in that drawer that doesn’t belong. If you do, there’s a chance that you’ll ultimately have to start all over again.

If, for instance, you say that drawer is only going to hold things like paper clips, staplers, pens and pencils, don’t mindlessly toss in a phone charger. Take the time to find another home for it instead.

Label Your Drawers

This tip will be especially important if you’re trying to make the most out of a smaller home. You might think labeling is a bit much, but trust us – it will be worth it in the long term. Not only will it help you find items you need, it will also serve as a reminder that certain things go in specific places. This will mean your drawer will remain organized for a lot longer than you might have thought possible.

Hire Art of Drawers to Create a Custom Storage Solution for Your Home

Not only can an Art of Drawers expert show you how to make your junk drawer a thing of the past, they can also show you ways to keep your entire home organized. This includes the bathroom, which we can make much easier to navigate, as well as the kitchen, the laundry room and much, much more.

We would love to help you explore the limitless options we can offer. Once you work with us, it won’t be long until you realize this was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. You can get in touch with us by giving us a call at (770) 800 8410, or using our convenient online contact form.

We look forward to hearing from you, and we also look forward to transforming your home in ways you may not have previously considered.

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The experience was excellent from my first phone inquiry through to follow up. The designer was knowledgeable and patient. Her vision helped me see the space in my cabinet pantry differently. The pull out drawers were ready for installation within the projected timeline. The installer was efficient and respectful of my home. The installation was completed without a hitch. I appreciated their follow up visit to see the completed project and to answer any questions. I highly recommend this company and their work.

Joyce P.

Thank goodness for discovering Art of Drawers! We recently downsized and found ourselves with an itty-bitty pantry and limited cabinet space. After a family referral, we contacted AOD for an estimate. From start to finish, they were completely professional.

Karen R.

We are so pleased to have pantry drawers to fit our needs exactly as wevhad envisioned. Downsizing meant less storage space so it helped tremendously to turn this kitchen pantry under a staircase into pull out drawers. It is still a walk-in pantry too! Thank you and we highly recommend this organizational and storage need to everyone.

Sue C.

After having my installations complete for about a month, I can say I love them and thoroughly enjoy the efficiency of the space. My pantry, main lower cabinets, and under sink area are so easy to access and organized.

Andrea S.

Art of Drawers was crucial in more than doubling my usable cabinet and open pantry space. They are 100% custom-made so they are tailored for your specific needs. Their customer service exceeded every expectation. This is a high-yield kitchen remodel with a minimal investment. I highly recommend it!

Carolina P.

They came out and assessed our bathroom storage situation, asked a lot of questions and designed the perfect under counter drawers for us! Art of Drawers offers storage solutions for any area in home or office. They have a variety of material colors and can customize the solution as much as want. I would highly recommend Art of Drawers.

Amy L.

This has been a great experience. I am in love with my drawers and my “new” pantry! It has turned my space from barely usable to organized and beautiful! So happy with my purchase!!

Tracy C.

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